This film explores the history of cardiovascular disease, it’s evolution into a global epidemic and how research, global health initiatives and policy are affecting positive outcomes in populations worldwide. The film tells this story through Dr. Fuster’s day to day work.

The audience will experience first-hand the innovative world of medicine and the difficult challenges of implementing global health on a local level. The filming crew has been traveling for a year with Dr. Fuster as he visited projects and programs with partners in Colombia, Spain, Kenya, Grenada, and throughout the United States. Along the way the public will experience firsthand the impact one doctor can have throughout the world when his mission is to save lives through research based cardiovascular education and how he gently inspires and mentors others to do the same.

The Resilient Heart explores scientific contributions that range from basic science to translational research that improves clinical and surgical care efforts to promote lifestyles that prevent or slow down heart disease.  Ultimately, it showcases how the intersection of science, medicine, research and compassion brings about important changes that are replicable by physicians and patients throughout the world.